Tuesday, 27 November 2012


Hello friends.
So it's been a while. 
But I'm going to make it up to you through all of December, 
I swear.
I've been thinking about what to do next on this blog 
and because of my love for nail polish I have devised a plan. 
Usually I do Christmas/Holiday themed nails through most of December. 
This year I'm outright committing myself 
 to four weeks & I figured I would share.

Here's the breakdown:

During the four weeks I plan on painting 11 times.
That means I need 11 themes.
Here's what I've planned..

1      Inspired by snowflakes
2      Inspired by a Christmas candy
3      Inspired by a Holiday story
4      Inspired by a Christmas movie
5      Holiday gradient
6      Inspired by holiday parties
7      Inspired by a snow globe
8      Inspired by Christmas trees
9      Inspired by gift wrap
11    Inspired by fireworks

Now if you're a real keener you'll notice a blank. 
This is where I need your help. 
I need suggestions for the 10th category, so please 
feel free to leave a comment and give me your opinion.

The first post of December Nail Month 2012 
will be posted on Saturday December 1st so stay tuned!



  1. Ruldoph the Red nosed Reeeindeeeer! :P And possibly Santa and his sleigh? bahah

    1. Ha! Thanks Lisa. Rudolph might just show up at some point.. ;)

  2. The first thing that popped into my head was a Christmas water marble. But I'm going to keep thinking. It's hard, you've covered all the bases. :)

    1. That might be the winner! But I'll be taking suggestions till the week before so if you think of anything else let me know!


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